Our March 2020 Meeting:

Please Note Venue Change for March Meeting:

Our March Meeting will be on March 4th at the Jefferson Educational Society

3207 State Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16508

This month's meeting will be held at the Jefferson Educational Society and begin at 6:00 pm with a social hour and dinner, followed by our program/speaker.

Our Dinner Menu:
Dinner Menu: We will have buffet dinner consisting of Beef Lasagna, Bayside Chicken, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Tossed Salad with dressing, rolls and butter coffee and tea. Plus tray of cookies and brownies. Also open beer and wine bar included. $25 per meal cash or check to the Erie Torch Club payable at the door.

Our Guest Speaker:
Erie County District Attorney Jack Daneri, Juris Doctorate, Capital University School of Law

UnitedErie's Re-entry Initiative - A Three-pronged Violence Reduction Effort.

For reservations; please E-Mail the Torch Club Secretary at secretary.erietorch@gmail.com.

"UnitedErie's Re-entry Initiative - A Three-pronged Violence Reduction Effort."

Our presenter for this evening is Erie County District Attorney Jack Daneri

His topic will be "UnitedErie's Re-entry Initiative - A Three-pronged Violence Reduction Effort."

Jack joined the District Attorney's office in 2000 and was appointed District Attorney in 2009 upon the passing of Brad Foulk. He graduated from Capital University School of Law with a Juris Doctorate in 1990. As an elected DA since 2011 Danerii founded and is involved in critical programs including: UnitedErie, Erie Gun Task Force, the Police/Community Relations Group, and the countywide distribution of opioid reversal drug naloxone to law enforcement officers. He is involved with the Erie County Heroin Task Force, Erie Youth Leadership Institute, Erie County Truancy Task Force, Hooked on Books for Kids, Erie Boys and Girls Club, Police Athletic League, and the Erie County Reentry Services and Support Alliance.

Please join us on March 6, 2019 at 6:00 pm, for our pre-dinner cocktail and chat time and remember to bring your friends and acquaintances. Reservations are required.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to venue change we must have reservations in by February 25th! Make your reservation by emailing secretary.erietorch@gmail.com.